Annie’s new favorite thing to do is to blame inanimate objects for all the things that end up giving her an ouchy. If she trips over her dolly, she’ll turn around and put her hand up, and say “No dolly, I don’t like that, don’t do that.” If she closes the screen door on her hand, same thing…”No door, don’t do that, walk away.”
I guess it is more than just inanimate objects…she blames me for stuff all the time too. The other day she stepped on something and hurt her foot. Since I was standing right there she gave me the hand and said “No Momma, I don’t like that.” I talked to her teacher about where all this is coming from and at school they really want the kids to put a stop to any other kid that is treating them badly or stealing toys. I guess Annie is taking it one step farther.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Warning: This next post might change your opinion of Ms. Annie
So this morning Annie woke up in the worst mood, I was getting ready in the bathroom and she walked in crying and grabbed my hand and said “to bed, to bed”. So I thought she might just want to lay down and snuggle for a while. We walked into her room and she crawled up into bed and started crying again and when I asked what she needed, she told me to “go away!” Well, that worked fine for me since I still had some things to do so I left her alone. She laid in bed for another 10 minutes, just staring at the ceiling and finally got back up, all cheery like her usual self. Soon after we were getting her dressed, and when she took off her dirty diaper she laid down the loudest fart I have ever heard come out of such a small behind. And she thought it was hilarious, and said "again?" I said why not? So she got another one out, then 2 more followed...then "again?" and I said I didn't think she could get any more out...but she did get one little squeaker out before Bailey came in and distracted her. Probably a good thing because I didn't see an end to her trying for farts (or “burps” as she likes to call them) and you know there is a limit to how many farts you can produce before something else starts happening...funny cause it's true.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Chase's 2nd Birthday Party
Here is Annie getting her face painted for the first time at her friend Chase's 2nd birthday party! At first she was a little leary, but after seeing Mommy get her hand painted she was all ready to get a pretty flower put on her hand too. It took a few more minutes of watching other kiddos getting their faces painted before she was willing to give that a try, but she sat very still and listened to everything Mrs. Frog, the face painter was telling her, and after a few minutes she had her face done! The rest of the party was fun too, complete with balloon animals, cupcakes and cotton candy. She wouldn't go near the cotton candy even though we tried our best to get her to take a taste, and then we realized that we were trying to force her into eating candy...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Annie's jokes
Annie is developing her very own comedy routine, goes something like this...
Annie: Where did the sun go? (only says this in the evenings)
Me: I don't know, where did it go?
Annie: A China! (she hasn't figured out the word "to" yet)
This joke gets repeated at least 5 times back to back, it's that good.
She also points out every house that is on a corner lot while we are driving through the neighborhood and exclaims that the house is our home sweet home, just so she can hear one of us tell her she is silly.
Annie: Where did the sun go? (only says this in the evenings)
Me: I don't know, where did it go?
Annie: A China! (she hasn't figured out the word "to" yet)
This joke gets repeated at least 5 times back to back, it's that good.
She also points out every house that is on a corner lot while we are driving through the neighborhood and exclaims that the house is our home sweet home, just so she can hear one of us tell her she is silly.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My Crafty Valentine
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
First taste of the slopes
Tim and I have been talking about bringing Annie up to one of the mountain ski resorts so she can see what I'm talking about when I tell her that Daddy has abandoned us to go skiing in the mountains. Just recently we found out that Denver has it's own little free skiing area right here in town, so last weekend we packed up Annie's sled and headed out to Ruby Hill. Once we got there we found out that it is more like a large sledding hill with a portion roped off for snowboarders to monkey around on some jumps. We set Annie up in her sled (also her very first christmas present from Santa Claus!) and with safety rope in hand Dad proceeded to let her go down the hill while he ran behind trying to keep her speed down and....she loved it! After one or two test runs we decided to let her go on her own, the hill wasn't that big after all. It was really cool for me, since all I had to do was stand at the bottom and make sure she eventually stopped, and I got to see all the great faces and laughs the ride gave her. Poor Tim had to drag her up the hill about 50 times before her interest in sledding switched over to trying to catch the cute puppy dog that showed up.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Annie in charge
Tim was sick last weekend, and I was sick sick sick this week. Luckily Annie didn't catch anything more that just the cough that has been going around her classroom. Anyways, Annie has decided that since her parents can't keep themselves healthy, she will have to do everything in her power to make sure we are properly hydrated, medicated, and chapsticked. If Tim gets himself a beverage, Annie says "drink, drink, drink" as she reaches up and pushed the glass to his mouth. If she notices a tube of chapstick, she will ask if you want any...if you say no, she will say "Just a little bit" until you agree, okay a little bit wouldn't hurt....but then a little bit turns into a little more, and more, and more. She will occasionally ask you if you've taken your medicine, and if the answer if no, I don't need any, she will insist, "just pretend". Anyways, thanks to a week on the couch, and Annie's chapsticking skills, I'm feeling better today!
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