So Olivia and I have been on our own for about a week now and things are going very well, much differently than when Annie was born. Back then I hardly found time to take a shower in the mornings and rarely ever got out of the house. Olivia usually wakes up around 6:30 and has breakfast, then back to bed for about 2 hours and by the time she wakes up again I'm all dressed and ready to start the day. Last weekend ended kinda roughly for me. I had a terrible stomach bug and as a result I jump started my baby weight loss by losing about 7 pounds in one weekend...horrible! I'm back to feeling a little more like myself, but I haven't done much today other than feed and change Olivia and take naps with her...I'm still feeling a little sick.
I'm pretty excited for Annie, today was her first day in her new classroom. She has finally graduated from the toddler room into the mini room. Her new teacher, Ms. Pearl, is one of the most requested teachers in the school. There will be 21 students in her new classroom but there are 3 teachers in her room all day.
A lot of her former classmates are in that room too, so it will be interesting to see if
Annie remembers them from her toddler room. She will now get to play on the big playground at school which I'm sure Annie will love, just like her new playground we have set up here at home. I have a feeling we will be spending
a lot of time in the backyard this summer!