Thursday, October 30, 2008
Another Fish Story...
Yesterday on the way to school, Annie told Tim “Panda watched our fish and then she took the orange ones home with her, but it's okay because we got 5 guppies and they like to hide in the shell.” Um, yeah…if you take a closer look at the fish tank than a 2 year old would, you would notice that there is a half eaten guppy stuck to the water filter intake. And if it’s lucky there is another lonely and very scared guppy still hiding in the shell...the other 3 are gone. We don’t want to cast blame anyone, but either the big yellow meanie fish who likes to chase other fish or the “I only come out at night” vegetarian algae eater had a little early Thanksgiving feast of fresh caught guppy…and I think now it is waiting for the dessert to come out of it’s shell.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
'Cause it's ladies night...
Tonight Tim met some friends for happy hour after work so Annie, Olivia and I had our own little night out. First we toured around the nrighborhood looking for good Halloween decorations. We found an awesome house that was covered with a bunch of huge spiders. Since Annie was really into the house down the street from us last year that had 2 big spiders in a web on the front porch, I thought for sure she would flip out about this house. Well, I guess spiders were totally 1 year old decorations and she is over that. Now she is into skeletons. After our tour of the neighborhood decorations we headed out for dinner. I asked Annie if she would like a Happy Meal and she wouldn't commit...kept gabbing about random things saying "I don't want a sad I don't". So I decided to go to Qdoba which is my favorite burrito place. I bribed Annie with a cookie to get her to eat her quesadilla and Olivia was just happy to play with my credit cards (I'm telling you that girl is happy doing just about anything) and then we headed home. We spent the rest of the evening playing in the kitchen...Annie did her favorite activity....sat on her favorite potty chair and played with a bunch of stickers she got from Nana and listened to her keyboard play Christmas music. Weird, I know....Olivia just hung out..rolling and dragged herself around the room. As soon as I realized she was chewing on Annie's shoe I decided we should start getting ready for bed.
We had a great relaxing evening and I think the best part was that I had everyone pretty much in bed before Tim even got home! Maybe he should go out for happy hour more often.
We had a great relaxing evening and I think the best part was that I had everyone pretty much in bed before Tim even got home! Maybe he should go out for happy hour more often.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
All Olivia
Olivia is 7 months old now! I can't believe how fast time is going with her and I'm a little bummed that the weather is getting colder because that means we have to put away all the pretty summer clothes and get out the winter wear. Oh well, last hurrah for warm weather with these photos...
Olivia has been up to everything this last month. She is weathering a pretty bad ear infection well and has taken a liking to her medicine. She is all about babbling now too and I swear I heard her call me mama last week, and she is also loving all the solids food (except for green beans, but I don't blame her for that). She has just started dragging herself around. I'm not calling it crawling, it is definitely dragging...her legs have no idea what is happening and her arms do all the work. I think she will be pulling herself up soon since she was almost doing it with the pumpkins while I was taking the photos. I didn't get a shot of it though because I was afraid to take my hands off her while she was up there!
Olivia has been up to everything this last month. She is weathering a pretty bad ear infection well and has taken a liking to her medicine. She is all about babbling now too and I swear I heard her call me mama last week, and she is also loving all the solids food (except for green beans, but I don't blame her for that). She has just started dragging herself around. I'm not calling it crawling, it is definitely dragging...her legs have no idea what is happening and her arms do all the work. I think she will be pulling herself up soon since she was almost doing it with the pumpkins while I was taking the photos. I didn't get a shot of it though because I was afraid to take my hands off her while she was up there!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Tough Girl and the Ballerina
Annie and I have started taking Mom and Babe ballet classes on Friday mornings. Today was our second class and Annie really seems to like it a lot. Generally there is a lot of prancing around in circles, or hopping...waving wands and silky scarfs around. I have to say that Annie is a natural! Future ballet star for sure. So that is the Ballerina portion of the onto the Tough Girl! For the last 2 weeks or so Olivia has had some pretty bad poo problems and a really bad diaper rash. Since we had recently started her on solid foods I thought maybe that was the problem. So last week we stopped feeding her anything other than milk and rice cereal. Still the poo kept coming, but only in the mornings so I almost didn't believe her daycare teachers when they told me she had been going through diapers left and right. So yesterday I took her by the doctor and we found out that she has a horrible ear infection! I was very surprised because 'Libler hadn't once made a peep about having ear problems, in fact I can't remember the last time she cried. So she is on cherry flavored medicine now, and a probiotic, and special diaper cream, and something else...I can't remember. Anyways, we figure that she has a high tolerance for pain, and I guess that comes from having Annie the Amazon as a big sister!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Go Pinks!
Two weekends ago the Salt Lake City Nuetzels (Mark, Piper, Jonah, and Faith) came for a visit. What did we do...can't remember exactly, but I know we did have a good time. Annie and Jonah got along great and both learned a few new games from the other. It did put a strain on their sharing skills once in a while, but overall I think they had a great time, and Faith hung in there too and I'm sure next year she will be more in the mix with the big kids. Here is our attempt to get 4 kids all smiling and looking in the same general direction.
While they were here we went to an apple cider festival on Saturday. I was sure that Annie would be afraid of half the things there, but she wasn't. She rode the ponies (all by herself) she rode on the barrel train (I was going to ride it with her, but she told me she didn't need me to, she could do it by herself) then she rode on the hanging swing ride (I was sure she wouldn't want to do this on her own, but she did...I guess she doesn't need me anymore). Anyways, I guess you gotta let go sometime. Other than that, one of my favorite moments was a conversation between Annie and Jonah. Jonah told Annie his favorite team is the Browns. Annie told Jonah that her favorite team is the Pinks. Annie is so awesome that I decided to make her a tee-shirt for her favorite team...

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