Friday, October 30, 2009

Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful!

Frightful - but not in a Halloween sort of way! We had a big snow storm this week in Denver, I'd say there was over 15 inches in our backyard yesterday. It's melting fast, so hopefully trick or treat will be okay for the girls tomorrow night.
Here are some photos of the girls in the snow and our cold and frozen pumpkins...the smallest one came right out of our own garden.

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Smarty Baby

Olivia’s holding out on us. I had no idea until last night that she can count to 10. Not sure if that is count to 10 in English, but she is definitely counting. She also let me know that she knows some colors also. I asked her what she wanted to wear this morning and she walked over to look in the dresser drawer and said “ummm…pink!” and pulled out a pink sweatshirt. So not only does she know the color pink…she also knew that it was going to be cold out today and a sweatshirt would be the best option! Try to let Annie pick out her clothes and she will be wearing a polka dot tanktop with striped shorts while it is snowing outside. No wonder that kid at daycare told her she doesn’t have any good outfits…

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cha cha cha cha changes...

Lots of changes going on in our house. Well, not really lots, just one big one. Some might know this already, but Tim had been pretty slow at work the last few months, made it through one round of layoffs, but not so lucky with this one. He's been taking advantage of me and my salary for the last 2 weeks, but with no jobs in sight, we decided to keep the girls home and keep the money we were spending for daycare in our bank account. No need to worry about us though, daycare is so pricey out here that we end up bringing home more money with Tim on unemployment and the girls at home than we did with Tim at work and the girls at school (well, I guess that doesn't count any of his 401k contributions...) But anyways, Tim's got some big plans to spend the fall going to dance classes, gymnastics classes, zoos, hiking, and skiing with the girls. I guess I'll be stuck at my office bringing home the bacon (yum...bacon).

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Grounds Keeper Annie

Last weekend I was reading the paper and noticed it was pretty quiet around the I started to wonder what Annie was up to because I'm sure we all know that a quiet Annie is most likely an Annie up to no good. We found her out in the back yard cutting the grass with my kitchen scissors. At least this time it was the grass and not Bailey's fur!

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Momma and her Girls