My first project is finally done! I'm talking about the blue dress here, not Annie - I don't think she is done, not quite yet. This was my first attempt at sewing since making a few sundresses for myself back in college. Come to think of it, I didn't even use a pattern for those was project runway all the way!! So yes, on to the next project, something for Bav this time, and lets hope I only have to rip out one seam this time.
Monday, April 26, 2010
My first project!
My first project is finally done! I'm talking about the blue dress here, not Annie - I don't think she is done, not quite yet. This was my first attempt at sewing since making a few sundresses for myself back in college. Come to think of it, I didn't even use a pattern for those was project runway all the way!! So yes, on to the next project, something for Bav this time, and lets hope I only have to rip out one seam this time.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
An ingenious plot!
I walked into our main floor hallway yesterday and almost slid across the floor on a piece of dog food. Then I noticed there was more dog food all lined up in a row right there in the middle of the led all the way down the hallway...up the stairs...down the other hall...through our bedroom...and ended in a big pile of dog food and a rubber ball in the middle of Bailey's dog bed. Well, of course there could only be one person in our house who would think to do such a, not Tim. I walked downstairs to try and find Annie, but more importantly to find Bailey to see if he would in fact follow a trail of dog food to find his favorite ball.
Once Annie and I got Bailey all set at the end of the hall and pointed out all the yummy? dog food, he turned around and went back outside. I think his trust in Annie and I has gone the way of white bread at our house. Speaking of bread, we decided to try this out using some of the wheat bread which Bailey seems to enjoy. What am I saying? He enjoys almost any food (other than dog food) that we give him. So we quarantined him outside so Annie could prepare the course. After a quick inspection, we let him back in and pointed out the first piece of bread, which he gobbled up as soon as his nose caught the scent! He made it all the way to the bottom of the stairs, and then I think he remembered that the only time we try to get him to go up the stairs ends up with him in the bathtub, which he does not like, not at all, not one bit. After a few seconds trying to regain his trust, he ran up the stairs and quickly turned the corner...into our bedroom... (honestly I can't remember why I was so excited about this, but we were)... and towards the pile of bread that was waiting for him on his bed...Bailey was sure it was another trap so he wouldn't go any further. Annie ended up giving him a bread shower and then I'm pretty sure Bailey spent the rest of the day wondering what was wrong with us.
The End!
Monday, April 19, 2010
A few new additions!
We took a trip to the pet store last weekend and like most trips to the pet store end, we came home with 2 - $1 fish. These are kinda cool though, they have a spot on their tails in the shape of Mickey Mouse. I wonder how long they will survive living with our little cannibal fish...
Anyways, we put them (still in the plastic bag) into the aquarium that night and went to bed. The next morning Annie woke me up wanting me to come down and see the baby fish. I was still half asleep and thought she was talking about a nature show or some cartoon so I told her I would be right down, and then rolled over and went back to sleep. But she kept coming up and I wasn't getting much sleep any more so we headed down and...hello! There were 9 baby fish in the bag with the 2 fish we bought the night before! Then we noticed that there was actually 9.5 baby fish...we decided to move the babies to a tupperware bowl. Later that day we invested $5 on a fish nursery (basically a box made out of netting to keep the babies away from the carnivores). We couldn't help but think that these fish, already fully grown only cost a buck, why are we trying to grow them from scratch? But on the other hand, we have lost quite a few fish in our day, if they all survive we'll probably be breaking even on the fish front. Wish us luck!
Monday, April 12, 2010
The Joker
Olivia told her very first joke over the weekend! We were reading a book and she was pointing to the animals and telling us what everything was. She pointed to a red bird and said "That's a peanut!" and then proceeded to laugh her little butt off. And that made us laugh, silly baby!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
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