Sunday, September 11, 2011

Now we're movin'!

Tim and Annie have been working on riding her bike without training wheels all summer and finally all that crying, I mean all that work has finally paid off! Annie has been cruising the 'hood for a few weeks now. It's somewhat stressful to me to see her rambling down the street...mainly because she tends to be totally unaware of random cars that are just waiting for her to come by so they can dart out in her path, and the random boobie traps disguised as innocent little pebbles laying on the pavement. I know I had my fair share of stitches resulting from biking incidents...badges of kid honor, and I guess everyone deserves to have a few minor ones right?

Here she is with the biker gang on her first day as a full fledged and licensed two wheeler. Do you see the little bunny in the background? I just noticed him...Lucky for Annie, he must have been a few seconds behind on his seek and destroy mission!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Uncle Justin and Aunt Mindi!

We were in Columbus last weekend to see Uncle Justin and Aunt Mindi get married. Annie had a great time being Mindi's flower girl and Olivia had an even better time being my flower girl. Here are some photos from the wedding...

Momma and her Girls