We just got back from Annie's 18 month checkup...and we were right. She has a big head. Her head is in the 90
th percentile for circumference, 70% in weight and 60% in height...short with a round head! Well, not that short, I guess. Anyways her doctor thought she was doing really well and was very impressed with her toilet skills, which she is still trying to master. Tomorrow her Great Aunt Ruth is coming to visit, so it should be a fun weekend!
Oh yeah! Forgot to say I asked the doctor about babies and kneecaps and guess what...they don't have them when they are born, they have very small disks of cartilage that start
growing around 18 months, and then eventually turn into bone, and voila, by 3 you have your very own kneecaps. So, all you doubting Mark
Nuetzels, now you know the truth. (and since you were wrong, Tim and I get the Queen sized bed in Park City!)