Last weekend we were in Ohio and Indiana to celebrate my grandpa's 89th birthday. We also spent some time in Eastern Ohio visiting Tim's family. Here is a photo of everyone at the reunion and also a link to some others.
Olivia was born March 19, 2008 and is very much the independent girl. She will refuse to hold anyones hand, loves trying to avoid her big sister. Not alot of vocabulary but she gets by pretty well with her baby sign language. Her big sister Annie was born on New Years Day, 2006, her hobbies are feeding the neighborhood ducks, distributing her toys around the house, and tormenting Livie and Bailey. Her Dad, Tim, is 33 and he likes to play with Annie and Olive, do a little Geneology, and wishes he could hike and ski more. Annie's mama, Reynee, is also 33 and her hobbies are photography, and cooking, but mainly she likes to torment Tim. All in fun though!
Annie - "Olivia, stop being so cute so I can bowl!"
Olivia, what are you eating? "Boggers!"
Annie sneezes, I say Bless You! No momma, you can't say Bless you because that was just a pretend sneeze.
Annie at 5:30 - "Wake up Daddy!", Daddy - "Can Momma get up with you?" Annie - " No, Mommy you stay here and wake up the rest of the sun" Momma - "Yes!"
Annie and her new ski googles - Annie trying them on: "I think they are too big" Daddy adjusting them (with wet hands)...back to Annie "I think they are too wet"
To a freshly blown Kleenex sitting next to her on the Gondola ride in Telluride - "Hang on boogers! Here we go!"
Annie: Happy Father's Day Dada! Momma: Should we make Dada some breakfast? Annie: No, he can make is own breakfast.
Crying about having her nose wiped - "I want my boggers back!
Olivia, why are you crying? I'm not smashing you.
To Blue after getting caught sniffing a freshly changed diaper..."No Blue, my poopy"
(During a recent breakdown) Annie: I need a popsicle. Mom: no, you can't have one. Annie: But I'm crying!
I'm not silly, I'm crazy!
I'm not crazy, I'm Annie
Daddy not handsome, Gailry (her teacher) is handsome
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