Wednesday, January 21, 2009
10 Months!
Olivia is 10 months now! The weather was so nice and warm over the weekend that we decided to go up to red rocks for her pictures. I guess I was a little pessimistic when I thought all her photos after the November ones would be indoors, I mean we do live in Colorado! Anyways, 10 months down, only 2 more months until her big party! I've already started planning it and in fact already decided how I was going to decorate her cake even before she was born. I'm not sure if I am up to the task of the cake I have planned, but after spending about 20 hours making chocolate flowers and bugs for Annie's 1st birthday cake, I can't let Olivia's going to be outstanding! By the way, if you come to the party, you better eat the cake, even if it looks to perfect to eat...I just found a paper plate with all the chocolate bugs that people didn't eat in the back of a cabinet...I'm not sure why I kept them, probably because I spent a lot a lot a time on them. So from the photos you can tell that she is standing up now and she will take a few steps if you are holding her hands. I think she may be walking before her 1st birthday. She loves the stairs and if you take your eyes off her for a minute she will crawl as fast as possible to the steps. She's also becoming pretty skilled at the "baby obstacle course that Annie and I have tried out on her a few times. It's really just a trail of random pillows and beach towels that Annie lays out in the hallway that we force Olivia to crawl over, but it is pretty entertaining (mainly for Annie!) Other than being a awesome crawler, she has also developed an interesting eating habit. Every once in a while, while she is sitting in her highchair enjoying a tasty dinner, she will rock back and forth and then slam the back of her head onto her seat back. She'll do it over and over again and she thinks this is funny! I tried not to laugh at her one one of the times she did it to try and put a stop to the habit, but it didn't work. I usually end up putting my hand behind her head to cushion the blow. It really makes me wonder if she has any pain sensors. I mean she had a horrible ear infection for weeks and no peep, and now the head bashing? Maybe that is why she hardly cries...I'm sure she is fine, but you have to wonder sometimes!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Bluelogy...or Me & You and a Dog Named Blue.

Sunday, January 11, 2009
It's Official!

Now that I have taken Annie's photo for her scrapbook (see above!), I can officially say that she is really, certifiably and officially registered as a 3 year old in our house! We took this photos up in Evergreen at the skating pond and luckily she didn't get too cold until just after we snapped this photo, and good thing too because after this photo, Annie didn't want anything to do with the camera...she's such a Diva! By the way, check out our photo album for more of Annie workin' it for the camera.
After the little photo shoot we headed up to Echo Mountain to get Annie onto the slopes. It took about 40 minutes to get Annie into her gear and then to the bunny hill....all that work for just 3 runs and then Annie says "I'm done, lets go home". A few minutes warming up in the lodge didn't change her mind, I think she was too busy checking out what kind of snacks all the kids sitting around us were eating.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
First Tooth!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Olivia - 9 months!
Olivia is closer to 10 months now, but these photos are from when she was just 9 months. Sorry, I'm still trying to catch up from all the holiday mumbo jumbos and bingo bangos, etc. But anyways, here she is all of 9 months old. We went to her 9 month check up the day before we left for our trek across the Midwest for Christmas and apparently she is a light weight. She is only at the 25% mark for weight (17.1 pounds) but while we were on vacation it seemed like she was eating non-stop trying to catch up with the other babies her age. Now I'm getting ahead of myself...that should be in her 10 month update! Back to 9 months....last month she started dancing! One of her toys will play music if you twist or push buttons. Once the music starts she starts rocking back and forth, which is what I call dancing! She also has started standing up on her own, unsupported. Of course this only lasts a few seconds but she is getting better and better at it. She is crawling like crazy and if I leave the room and no one is holding her back, she will crawl off in search of me. She has started to play a few games too. She will pull off her socks the first chance she gets and then proceed to throw them at you. She really thinks this is hilarious and even more so when you throw them back at her. She also loves to pull off her hat (she hates hats with a passion) and then she'll drop the hat on the floor..then guess what? You pick up the hat and put it back in her seat and she throws it on the floor again...repeat at least 20 times...constant source of amusement! I'm not sure what she will do when the weather warms up and there are no more hats to throw.
She and Annie are getting to be great pals, especially during long car rides. They will often hold hands or pass toys back and forth. It's nice to see them play together, when they are playing nicely...otherwise it is either Olivia crying because Annie took her toy, or Olivia begging someone to rescue her from the well intentioned but mostly too forceful hugs of a toddler. She is eating a lot of different foods now, we gave her some yogurt after Christmas and you would have thought she had gone to baby heaven, she loved it so much...started to shake her head side to side and sang for more. Well I guess that tidbit should have gone in the 10 month update also, so anyways, back to the stats...weight - 17.1 lbs (25%), height - 27.25 inches (48%), and head circumference - 18.5 inches (96% - No surprise there, after all she is a smarty!), hair - still slightly curly, eyes - still brown with green around the edges (come on green!), and cuteness - off the charts!
Friday, January 2, 2009
3 Year Old Forced to Decorate Own Birthday Cake...
Happy Birthday to Annie! I made the cake and she insisted on frosting and sprinkling it herself. Personally I think she went a little overboard with the pink sugar sprinkles, but I guess it was her cake...and apparently it looked too good to resist a little pre candle blowing out taste.
Momma and her Girls