Now that I have taken Annie's photo for her scrapbook (see above!), I can officially say that she is really, certifiably and officially registered as a 3 year old in our house! We took this photos up in Evergreen at the skating pond and luckily she didn't get too cold until just after we snapped this photo, and good thing too because after this photo, Annie didn't want anything to do with the camera...she's such a Diva! By the way, check out our photo album for more of Annie workin' it for the camera. http://picasaweb.google.com/ReyneeandTim/AnnieS3#
After the little photo shoot we headed up to Echo Mountain to get Annie onto the slopes. It took about 40 minutes to get Annie into her gear and then to the bunny hill....all that work for just 3 runs and then Annie says "I'm done, lets go home". A few minutes warming up in the lodge didn't change her mind, I think she was too busy checking out what kind of snacks all the kids sitting around us were eating.
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