Well, just kidding about the poison ivy, kinda! Olivia did grab a hand full of that stuff, but I rushed her into the bathroom and washed her hands real good. Anyways, Ohio! Yes, we flew out of Denver to Ohio two weeks ago, but it feels more like last year. Olivia got tired during the last part of the flight and was kinda cranky for about 30 minutes and some rude lady kept staring at me. I gave her the evil eye...didn't do much to get her to turn around though. So we start our approach to land and honestly, I'm a very nervous flyer. I can't remember when I starting being a nervous flyer but I can say that within the last 6 years or so, I've been run over by the shadows of airplanes flying overhead about 27 times. Of course I take this as a sign that I'm destined to get crushed by one some day, or it could just be that we live about 2 miles from a little commuter airport. So anyways, I'm getting nervous...Annie's sitting next to me saying things like "Oh, were going down now!" Of course being a freak, I take that to mean that Annie is somewhat psychic and we are in fact going down. I casually prompt her to say that we are going down but...we will be landing safely, right? She agrees to this and we continue on...going down, everythings okay....kinda bumpy...touching down any second...going back up? What's going on! We shouldn't be going back up! Okay, all hell breaks loose (in my mind that is). I'm quite certain that Annie's first prediction was correct and we are in fact going down....in flames...no landing gear...big crash. Well, obviously, we didn't crash, this time. The plane circled around, in what I can only describe as a death circle, and finally landed. I gave the pilot the second evil eye of the trip as we left the plane...I don't think he noticed.
On to Lima! So one of the reasons we are in Ohio was to celebrate my Grandpa's 90th birthday. I can't imagine what it is like to be 90! He seems like he is in great shape, and still pretty sharp too. Annie sang happy birthday to him, I think he liked it.
We spent the rest of the weekend hanging around Nana and Papa's house, paddling around the pond, watching a momma duck trying to get her eggs to hatch, making a mess out of Nana's house, the usual stuff. Monday afternoon Tim headed back to Denver and left me alone with Olivia - scared of everyone except her nephews and me, and Annie - the little demon...so needless to say, I wouldn't call it a vacation for me. I did manage to ditch the girls one evening and go shopping, but didn't end up finding anything for myself that I liked. One day we went to a rummage sale with Nana and our soon to be cousin Lily. That sale can be described with one word only...totally awesome (okay, two words). They gave you a shopping bag when you walked in and for the low price of one dollar, you could leave that sale with everything you could possibly stuff into that bag. It got a little tense at times between Annie and Lily, seeing as they both like things that are either shiny or pink, but in the end they both took home quite a nice haul. Annie kept asking me if she could have some little stuffed animal, or Christmas ornament, or whatever. I said "Who cares! It's only a dollar!" Ha, jokes on me...that dollar turned into $15 dollars after we couldn't fit all our treasures into our suitcase and had to fork out the dough for another one on the way home.
Did I mention that I had the pleasure of sharing a room with Annie? Did I mention that she snores louder than anything? Something tells me that it's not normal for a 3 year old to snore like that. Someone remind me to ask her pediatrician about that.
By the second weekend, I was pretty much going crazy being stuck with our two little angels...thankfully, Olivia was finally warming up to everyone else. On Sunday we had Bonnie's bridal shower. Annie and I got there early to help set up and make food, etc. Unfortunately Annie saw the pool and really, really wanted to go, really. Poor girl, lucky for her Uncle Tony agreed to drive over and take her swimming for a while. I guess Tony was so excited to be there for her that he jumped into the pool with both his cell phone and wallet still in his pocket! After their swim Annie came back in while the shower was in full swing. Of course she had no interest in being there and decided to drive me up the wall. Thankfully, my cousin Jenny (the blog's biggest fan!) offered to take her over to the park. They apparently had a great time and found the most awesome baby rocks for us to being back to Denver...don't tell Annie, but they never made it back home...in fact we almost didn't make it back home either! We were running late to catch our flight but finally made it...no thanks to the security guard who had to do a test on Olivia's milk. I was a little bit worried about flying alone with the girls, but everything was fine and we only had to try landing once this time!
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