Over the weekend I finally convinced Annie to let me take her 4th Birthday photos. She still claims to be 3, and she would rather be the one taking the photos these days so it was quite an effort to get her to do this for me. I've taken a lot of photos of my girls over the years, but my favorites by far are the ones marking the start to a new year for them. This year has brought a lot of firsts for Annie. First time down the slopes on her own (all 10 feet, all on her own), firsts plans for her future (she's either going to marry her Dada or her friend Patrick and have a baby that she will name "Franklin Baby Sadie", she's decided that she can't marry her cousin Kyle, because last time they were together he said he was never getting married). She's learned how to write her name, count to 20 in Spanish, and is starting to learn sounds - the first step in learning to read. She can navigate to pbskids.com on her own and is getting pretty good at working a mouse. She's become a passionate baker and cookie/cake decorator, loves taking pictures with my camera, and drawing pictures of her family (strangely enough, the people in the pictures usually have about 20 fingers). She enjoys picking out her own outfits, much to the amusement of the adults in her life. She's learning how to ride a two wheeled bike, even with going over the handlebars and almost losing a few teeth along the way. She is a wonderful big sister and loves teaching Olivia about the ways of life.
The above photos chronicle her 5 birthdays from the present back to right before her very first bath, January 1, 2006. So long ago! She told me the other day that she wishes she were big like me. When I asked her if she was having fun being a little kid, she said "Yes, I guess I can wait to be big like you." I was happy that she decided not to grow up too soon, it’s already faster than I want it to be.
Here is a link to a few more shots I got of Annie to celebrate her 4th...
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