Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Annie's last run of the season

Annie, Tim, and I hit the slopes one last time for this season a couple weekends ago. We left Olivia with some friends so that we could both spend the day seeing how much Annie had improved since the beginning of the season. Leaving Olivia for the day may have scarred her a bit, ever since that day she hasn't left my side over fear that I'll leave her if we are anywhere other than our house. Oh well, let's hope she gets over it someday.

The day started out great for us! We rode the lift up while looking at the map and planning out our day, including my favorite item - where to have lunch. We stuck to the greens most of the morning, and found an excellent tree run that Annie was more comfortable on than the groomed slope. Towards the afternoon we happened upon a blue run that Tim thought Annie could handle. I should have known...he couldn't see too far beyond the first few feet. After that the run was pretty steep and had more than a few bumps. Annie made it down about 5 feet before terror stepped in and we had to scoot off through the trees to get back to the green run. I'm not sure we will be convincing Annie to do any blue runs any time soon after that experience.

After lunch we did a couple more runs before an exhausted Annie had to be escorted down the mountain were we spent some time rocking out at the Guns 'n Roses concert that was going on at the base, but not before we shot this awesome video of our girl in action.

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Momma and her Girls