Friday, May 30, 2008

Olivia Update

So I've noticed that most of the posts on this blog are about Annie (we'll call her the blog-hog) so this one is going to be all about my sweet little baby-O. She had her 2 month checkup and shots two weeks ago. Her stats are 12.5 pounds and 23.5" long. That puts her in the 80 and 90 percentile if you follow that sort of thing. Her shots were no fun at all. I've never heard her cry so much or so loud. I think the effects of the shots lingered well into the next week, she cried a lot more and was waking up in the middle of the night. Now she is back to her happy self, smiling a lot and also giggles a bit when things strike her as funny. The other day she actually rolled onto her side (we were laying in bed together so that might have had something to do with it). Other than that, she still sleeps a lot, and eats well, and is generally a happy girl.

Next week the girls and I are headed to Ohio. Olivia will be baptised at the church Tim and I got married at back in Lima. I'm still working on her dress, but I plan to hand it off to the master seamstress (Nana) as soon as we get there and hopefully she will finish it up for me or else we will have a baby wrapped in a bunch of white material during the baptism.

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Momma and her Girls