Friday afternoon we packed all our gear into the camper and got our delicious hotdogs and so-more fixin's and eggs and vegies for gourmet breakfast omlettes all packed up and headed out for our first trip of the year. While we were pulling out of the neighborhood, I kinda thought to myself that we should have made sure there was propane in our tanks, but quickly dismissed the thought...the camper has 2 tanks, both of them couldn't possibly be empty! So we headed north on I-25, only to get stuck in traffic. 10 miles and 45 minutes later...finally we are getting somewhere! We ended up at Chief Hosa campground which is just a few minutes into the mountains, and just off of I-70. 
So on we go to set up the camper, and of course Annie is dying to get in there, she loves it! My mouth is watering for some tasty so-mores, but too camp fires aloud. The girls and I hang out and play while Tim putters around making sure he knows how to operate everything....and that is where the fun begins. Apparently we are out of propane...good for us there is a Home Depot and a Walmart not more than 5 minutes away. Propane refilled, but then still no stove flaming or heater working. Lucky for us the camper 4 spots away is the exact same model as ours. After convincing Tim to give up and go ask the other campers how to work our propane system, we figure that there is a valve broken on some tube that connects the tans to the camper, nothing that a quick trip to Home Depot might fix, right? 90 minutes of farting around with some old fart who works at home depot we finally find something that might work, until his coworker comes up and tells us it won't. Where was this guy 90 minutes ago! Apparently threaded parts are slightly different for gas grills and by now it is getting dark so we head over to McD's for dinner and then to Walmart to check out there supply of space heaters since we wouldn't be having any heat that night. Back to the campground and getting ready for bed, Annie was so excited to have her own sleeping bag, I thought she would never go to bed, but not more than 2 minutes after we turned off the lights, she was out herself.
The next morning we borrowed a grill from our neighbors to cook our eggs on, and hiked a bit before heading back to Denver. All in all we had fun and learned a few lessons, which is why we stayed close to town for our first trip. And it was nice to know that our good friends the Tepens were willing to pay 7 dollars to come make fun of us if we had gotten a trailer spot at Cherry Creek State Park like we had originally planned...I know in my heart they really wanted to come to see us because they really want to be Nuetzels, but you can't always get what you want.
Later that night we drove back up to the mountains for our friends Krisinda and Andrews wedding. I missed most of the ceremony because Olivia got a little fussy, but the rest of the evening was great. Annie really enjoyed the party, and bruised up her shins pretty good dancing the night away, which for her is running in circles on the dance floor. We are pretty sure she was high on frosting, soda pop and butter since that was about all she ate that night.

1 comment:
Nice work! Sounds like an interesting experiment. I like the dinner of frosting, butter and soda. We fed our friends kids one of those last night at a party. They sure are fun to watch.
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