I guess I have been neglecting the blog for the last few weeks...so to kick off the holiday weekend with style, here is a bunch of post to get everyone back up to speed! First off, we just got back from Ohio where Annie was the flower girl for Bonnie and John's wedding. She had a rough morning of the wedding, so bad that she actually thought it would be a good idea to rip her dress. Luckily, the skirt was so full that you nobody could really tell, and she eventually turned things around in time to walk down the aisle and toss her petals. Great Job Annie! The reception was at my parents house and the tent and dance floor went up a few days before the wedding, so Olivia and Annie got to try out a few dance moves before the big day. I think the highlight for Annie was being able to ride in the Limo. It's getting a little late for me to be awake, and the photos from the wedding are still downloading from my camera to our computer, so I will leave you with two pictures of Annie in her flower gal attire.

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