Well, I guess May was a while ago, so I'll quickly get everyone back up to speed on what I've been meaning to blog about but just haven't done yet...in reverse order.
1. Our fish that had babies... (see post here) Well those babies are now about half an inch long, and they just had their own set of babies. I wonder if we need to separate the big babies from the little babies? If so, this $2 purchase is turning into a major investment...
2. Tim and I celebrated our 8th anniversary by staying home and feasting on corndogs and cupcakes with blueberry cream cheese standing in as the frosting. Why is there always cupcake mix at our house, but never any frosting...who does the shopping around here? Oh, that's me.
3. We took a long trip over the 4th of July to South Dakota and met Dunkle Don, Aunt Bonnie, and Lily (more on that as soon as I download the 289 photos I took).
3. I found a lump on Bailey's back, $200 later we find out that it is the same cancer that got Blue...had surgery, still had cancer...in surgery again...maybe this should be first on the list since he is at the vet hospital now, recovering from his afternoon of butchering. If I know Bailey, he's probably freaked out.
4. Let's see now we are to early June...can't remember...oh yes! I went grocery shopping. That's not the whole story...so I went shopping and the total came up to $68...then I handed over my coupons and... wait for it....I only paid $13! Yes! That's a savings of 87% ladies and gentlemen. The guy behind me was astounded. Well, at first he was annoyed because the checkout lady wanted to double check some things, but after that he was truly astounded. This couponing thing is really starting to pay off!
5. Olivia has reverted to being a baby again. She constantly babels "goo goo, ga go go ga goo". She's crazy...and not necessarily in a good way.
6. Annie's got somewhere between 2 and 4 cavities. Not sure how the dentist isn't sure of the amount, but they are getting drilled and filled in a few weeks...that should be fun-not!
7. Annie is turning into a fish. She has been taking swim lessons but ever since we joined the pool she has been in lessons every morning for a half hour. Now all she does is swim swim swim. I'm not saying that it's pretty, but she is swimming, diving under water, swimming between legs, jumping off the diving board. Olivia is getting braver in the water...once, as she was hanging off the edge of the pool, she told Tim "I'm like a fish! I won't sink!" then she let go and sank like a stone, straight to the bottom of the pool. Silly Bav.
8. We bought a Honda Pilot...more info below...the girls love it because it also acts as a traveling movie theater, but only during long trips.
9. Our first camping trip of the year ended with a broken down truck and a good friend coming to pick us up (Thanks again Chris! Your the best, and when I say your the best, I mean your the only one who's wife volunteered you to come get us "in case anything should happen"...Diane, you jinxed us!)
10.Tim is still fully employed as the girls stay at home Dad. Their days are filled with swim lessons, book clubs, and dance lessons. Tim is teaching Annie how to read and she only has 8 more sounds to learn before she knows them all!
And I think that's it - our life in a Nuetzel Nutshell.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
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Momma and her Girls
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