We took a trip to the pet store last weekend and like most trips to the pet store end, we came home with 2 - $1 fish. These are kinda cool though, they have a spot on their tails in the shape of Mickey Mouse. I wonder how long they will survive living with our little cannibal fish...
Anyways, we put them (still in the plastic bag) into the aquarium that night and went to bed. The next morning Annie woke me up wanting me to come down and see the baby fish. I was still half asleep and thought she was talking about a nature show or some cartoon so I told her I would be right down, and then rolled over and went back to sleep. But she kept coming up and I wasn't getting much sleep any more so we headed down and...hello! There were 9 baby fish in the bag with the 2 fish we bought the night before! Then we noticed that there was actually 9.5 baby fish...we decided to move the babies to a tupperware bowl. Later that day we invested $5 on a fish nursery (basically a box made out of netting to keep the babies away from the carnivores). We couldn't help but think that these fish, already fully grown only cost a buck, why are we trying to grow them from scratch? But on the other hand, we have lost quite a few fish in our day, if they all survive we'll probably be breaking even on the fish front. Wish us luck!
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