Yesterday, Olivia woke up from her nap screaming, and wanting her new favorite person, me!, Momma!. Poor girl, went I picked her up from daycare she said her ear hurt but other than that she seemed fine, so we went home and I gave her some Tylenol. This morning she woke up with a sore ear again, but an hour later she said she was feeling good. So, we packed up and headed to school. On the way there my mom instincts kicked in and I decided we'd better get this ear checked out. Olivia has a history of having ear infections and not letting anyone know about them. So we dropped Annie off and stopped by my office to make an appointment. Our appointment was scheduled for 11, so we had some time to mess around at the office. First I set Olivia up with some office supplies, highlighters, post-it notes and the back of last months calendar page. She started right in working away at a pretty cool mixed media art project. After a bit, I asked if she needed to go potty. It took some convincing to get her to believe that no one would come and finish her work for her while we were gone, but eventually we made it to the bathroom. Olivia has been accident free since, oh wait, last night. Well, she is working on it! Afterwards, she raided an ex-coworkers office and came out with a new toy truck and a slinky...then she asked me why we had toys at our work. As we were leaving she told me she thought we were in outer space. We're only on the 3rd floor, but when you think about it that is pretty high up for Olivia! Then she really enjoyed yelling and hearing her echo in the parking garage.
Olivia truly out-shined her sister at the doctor's. We had Annie's 5 year checkup last week and...well, it was so bad that they had to call in extra nurses to get her out from behind the exam table and hold her down for her one shot. I asked Olivia if she was afraid to get a shot, and she laughed and said "No...they just tickle!" Once the doctor showed up, she wanted to sit up on the table by herself and she did everything the doctor asked. What a champ! So, end of the story, she has an ear infection and her ear drum ruptured, probably yesterday. But a few drugs should take care of that in no time. In the meantime, I'm just waiting for her next checkup, to see if those shots really are just going to tickle.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
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Momma and her Girls
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