Last weekend we stayed on the magic carpet, but this week we hit the lift! I'm not biased at all when I say that my girls totally rocked the bunny hill. Annie has finally gotten the hang of turning and as soon as she figures out how to really stop then I'll feel comfortable letting go of her reins. Olivia is still loving just cruising down, straight down, and fast. She did a few runs before her emotions got the better of her. Tim headed to the lodge with her where she promptly fell asleep. Annie and I took a few more runs and continued working on her turns and skiing in control. The last run we took, we headed into some trees, which Annie thought was a great idea. We came out of the trees facing a pretty big drop off, but Annie handled it well. We tried to go off some sweet jumps, but never really got up enough speed....next time, it's all ours!
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