Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Three Minute Tour

Last weekend Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit and brought their canoe for us to borrow for a while.  We decided today was the perfect time to try it out, and Olivia decided today was a great day to become deathly afraid of water!  It started out ok, Liv was just a little reluctant to walk in the sand.  Getting into the canoe was another story...we were out to sea only about two minutes before her screams and her death grip around my neck were too much were too much to handle so Tim and Annie dropped us on the shore and headed back out.  Liv and I drove up the shore a bit and caught them at another beachy area.  I yelled out to come closer for a photo and that is when Olivia decided she wanted another try - just to be in the picture.  So she went out for one more minute - no screams this time - to finish out the day.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Big Summer Blowout!

Well, summer is coming to a screeching halt and in just one week school will start up again.  Annie will be a fullfledge third grader and Olivia will be a first grader.   This summer we've hiked, camped out, traveled around, spent many afternoons at the pool, and are now feverishly working overtime to get Annie to finish up her summer homework.  The girls have done two art camps (learning about pop art, mixed media, paper mâché, and mosaics).  Annie spent a week taking care of and riding a pony named Gretel while Olivia stared as Anna in a production of Frozen.  They both made props for and starred in a Magic Tree House play.  Last week Annie spent a week at Camp Chief Ouray up in the mountains around Winterpark with her best friend Marie and she can't stop talking about it.  Next week they will be checking out a gymnastics camp down the street....then it's back to the grind of homework and after school activities.  But until then we are gonna fit in as much pool time as possible...Cannonball!

Momma and her Girls