Sunday, July 15, 2007

Yea Reynee, she turned 31 today!

Today we spent the afternoon back at Cherry Creek State Park. We packed a picnic lunch and hung out on the beach, playing in the sand and water, and making fun of the guy next to us that spent 45 minutes trying to get his canopy shade up. Annie had a great time and even dunked herself under the water a few times, and we finally got her to try and float on her back. She really didn't want to leave, but once we got back at the car she was already fast asleep.

Update on Annie and her vocabulary...her new favorite word is...."no". Darn it, she says it all the time now! Oh well, I guess it is a good thing that she is developing her own opinions. Next time around we are not going to use that word, we are going to simply say "I would prefer it if you wouldn't do that".

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Momma and her Girls