Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Our Garden

We cleaned up our veggie garden on Mothers day weekend and planted a few tomatoes, peppers, green beans, broccoli, swiss chard, zucchini and cucumbers and one lonely watermellon plant that Annie kind of distroyed a few minutes before it actually got into the ground. It is trying to make a comeback but I think it will be dead before the weather really warms up. While we were planting we tried to get Annie to help out but she was more interested in pulling up the vegetable lable stakes. Once we got the hose out to water, all she wanted to do was to hold onto the hose and get everything wet. I did take some photos of that day, but I can't find them on our computer, maybe I forgot to upload them from our camera. Anyways, here is a photo of the gift Annie made for me for Mothers Day.

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Momma and her Girls