Monday, September 15, 2008

Random Photos from Ohio!

Annie, Luke and Kyle wrestling Uncle Tony in the basement.
Here we are at the Shawnee High School Football game...where the Indians thoroughly whooped on Kenton with a K. (as opposed to Canton with a C). Annie was pretty excited to see the marching bands at halftime...I say they weren't as good or as big as when I was in the band...she was also pretty excited about the 2 for a quarter suckers at the concession stand.
Two fatties at Cousin Mayme's wedding, I mean Uncle Justin and Unkle John, fighting over the rights to dance with Nana during the mother-son dance, which was followed by the father-son dance, then the sister-second cousin dance, then the bartender-busboy...etc, etc.
Annie breaking free from the sand at Lake Hope State Park...apparently there are places to camp at in Ohio. We spent a few days there with Aunt Andrea and company, and then Grandma and Grandpa Nuetzel joined in the fun for one night. We went for a hike one day and found 2 box!
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Momma and her Girls